Test Your Metadata

The currently configured metadata is:

To keep the currently configured metadata, simply navigate to another page! To change the metadata you have two options: paste in the full link for a CSV hosted online (such as a published Google Sheet) or select a CSV file from your computer.

Use Metadata Link

Use Metadata CSV from Computer

Metadata Requirements

Set up your metadata carefully following the template guidelines. Be especially careful with column names in the first row–they need to exactly match the template, with no spaces and no extra white space at the end of the value. Records without an “objectid” will be skipped.

Note: no information is sent to the server, the metadata and configuration change is only on your computer.

How to Publish Your Google Sheet

For example, a published link looks like:


How to Download Your Google Sheet as CSV

Other Web CSV

If you have a CSV available anywhere on the web, you can use it by referencing the full URL. However, depending on where your CSV is hosted, you may encounter CORS errors.

For example, to use a CSV hosted in a GitHub repository, use the “raw” link:


Paste the link into the “Use metadata link” form above and click Submit.

Spreadsheet on Your Local Computer

When your CSV is ready, click in the “Choose file” box, navigate in your file explorer to select the CSV, and click Submit.