Scholarly Communication UnBoxed Activities


SCUBA is a collection of organizational development activities designed to help participants (“divers”) take an introspective look at their own organization and to plan for possible changes. Activities are organized into “tracks,” which guide divers from more broad conversations to more specific actions (see Tracks Explained for more information). Local organizers choose a track or set of activities to complete with their group and run those activities. Each activity has a designated form that allows divers to openly share their outputs/findings in the hopes that it will spark conversations and even allow divers to find targeted cross-institutional collaboration opportunities.


The Big Thinking Reason: To broaden the conversation about the role of libraries in scholarly communication and the technologies we use; to dream up as many great ideas as possible for how we might tackle a set of sticky problems.

The Practical Reason: Most institutions are offering scholarly communications services, platforms, and tools, though the specifics are quite variable. Our needs overlap, but we often differ in our approaches and priorities. This is an opportune time to think more deeply about our own practices and to learn from one another.

Planning an Event


All works in the box, unless otherwise indicated, are under a CC0 1.0 license. Any activities submitted to the Box are under under a CC BY 4.0 license.

The Team

SCUBA and its core activities were originally conceived at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries, but we hope that it will ultimately be the product of the scholarly communications community, not a single university or group. We thank SPARC for their help in shaping this work and providing support for its dissemination. Questions? Email us.